It seems like all the news you hear about YouTubers now a days, or ever, is bad news. Whether it’s a new scandal, controversy, or bit of miscellaneous drama – it’s a LOT. It can be very disheartening as a Creator to never see the good from our industry be recognized. I’m not looking for praise, but I want to take the time to recognize what my fellow Creators have done over the years to give back. From PewDiePie to Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, Super Carlin Bros, Mr. Beast, and so many others, YouTubers (and Twitch streamers too) have done SO MUCH GOOD! Today, I want to spread all the good news with you.
Thanks to Make-A-Wish for providing information! βΊ
My thoughts on other online issues βΊβΊ
They stole $1.7 million βΊ
It’s Time to STOP the Logan Paul Loophole βΊ
All Your Memes Are DEAD! (Article 13) βΊ
#Creators #YouTubers #Charity #Markiplier #Jacksepticeye #PewDiePie #Ninja #Yogscast #MrBeast #SuperCarlinBros #JakePaul #KatiMorton #ColleenBallinger #Matpat