Together is a 2021 British comedy-drama television film directed by Stephen Daldry from a screenplay written by Dennis Kelly. It stars James McAvoy and Sharon Horgan as a couple re-evaluating their relationship during the COVID-19 pandemic, with Samuel Logan making an appearance as their son, Artie. The project was filmed in ten days in Kensal Rise, London.
The film is set within the uk from the first days of the COVID-19 lockdown in March 2020 until this day. It follows a couple who are re-evaluating their relationship while caring for Artie, their 10-year-old son.
Together James Mcavoy – Together Official Trailer (2021) James Mcavoy, Drama Movie #Together #JamesMcAvoy #SharonHorgan #LockedDown #TOGETHEROfficialTrailer #Trailer #Movie.
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