G’Day people. Sharpino here, bringing the FINAL EPISODE of the Pokémon Ultra Moon Shiny Locke. One more battle. A rematch against Hau, to defend our Champion status of Alola. Not much else to say, but can we do it and win this LP in all of its entirety? Shiny Locke Rules 1. Standard Nuzlocke Rules apply. Each Shiny Pokémon has 3 lives. Should they faint three times, it is classed as unusable for the rest of the game. 2. I will select the shinies that are going to be hunted (if I can, in some situations) and used for in this Let’s Play, because: a) I want to Shiny Hunt for Pokémon I don’t have or personally wish to hunt for. b) Variety of types, because alot of Pokémon have the same types that can be clumped together. (Eg my Sun Shiny Locke had 4 of my Pokémon weak to Rock) With retricted choices, this way, I ensure that there will be diversity of types and Gen VII Pokémon. c) Every Shiny Pokémon has to be either encountered, SOS chained or a Soft Reset. No Masuda Methods or other methods are to be used. Strictly within the game. 3. A total of 12 shinies, will be used. 1 to replace the starter and 1 to add after the completion of each Captain and Island Trial. 4. OPTIONAL: I will only Potion Heal twice each battle, as anything else higher than that is not challenging and can be boring. Pokémon Ultra