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In Power Book 2 Ghost Season 2, Tariq being on Trial was one of the major plot points and because of this, he needed a lot of help from many different people to help him beat that case. And Of course one of the main people that he needed help from Was Rashad Tate. But of course, we know with Rashad Tate nothing is free and in order for Tariq to have Tate help him, he needs to deliver the goods and that is the photo of Rick Sweeney back at Stansfield showing him in Blackface. Of course, we did see that Tariq gave Tate that photo, and Tate held it down for Tariq and Muddied the waters of the course and helped Tariq go up a notch in his trial. However, the reason for this video today is to talk about some potential consequences that we may see from this going into Season 3. #powerbook2ghost #powerstarz #tariqstpatrick ————- Thank you all for rocking with me! Donate Cash App: $alexthehost1 Venmo: https://venmo.com/code?user_id=3439550428874623066&created=1645040725