We got our lovely Irish People to try some SPICY American beef jerky and hoo boy, that Carolina Reaper messed them up! Subscribe: https://Try.media/Subscribe | Instagram: https://Try.media/Instagram More Information: Jeff Richards, CEO of Jeff’s Famous Beef Jerky, liked our last video so much, he sent us a bunch of spicy American beef jerky so of course, we had to give them to our Tryers and see what they thought! Not spon or anything, he just sent some jerky our way and we gave it a go! (Also, John is fine – he just had a sports injury that day.) The Tryers featured in this video: Γadaoin: http://TRY.Media/Eadaoin Colin Regan: http://TRY.Media/Colin Niamh Tumbleton: http://TRY.Media/Niamh Lolsy Byrne: http://TRY.Media/Lolsy BlΓ‘ithΓn de Burca: http://TRY.Media/Blaithin John Sharpson: http://TRY.Media/John Follow The TRY Channel: Twitter: http://TRY.Media/Twitter Facebook: http://TRY.Media/Facebook Instagram: http://TRY.Media/Instagram _______________________________________________ If you’d like to send us stuff to TRY, our postal address for packages under $60*: The TRY Channel PM3530292 Unit C1, North City Business Park North Road, Dublin 11 D11 RW30 Ireland (*If you’re sending food/drink to use in a video, please send 4 variants with enough to share between six people.) Credits : Content produced by The TRY Channel. Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound. TRY is your new home on YouTube. A place where people try things for the first time. Similar to popular YouTube channels such as BuzzFeed, WatchCut, GMM & TheFineBros’ React, our goal is to create content to entertain you and to bring a positive light to the start or end