Reality Recap, Ep. 18, May 7, 2018: Grab a glass of wine and join us (Candice & La La) as we chat about Love & Hip Hop, Hustle And Soul, Catfish, Married At First Sight, Basketball Wives, Love After Lockup, The Challenge, Jersey Shore, Marriage Bootcamp, and many more of your favorite reality shows! ———————————- On this week’s #RealityRecap, we discuss: – Our favorite looks from this year’s #MetGala. – #CaitlynJenner, 68, is reportedly engaged to a 21 year old trans woman. – #KhloeKardashian is staying with her cheating boo, #TristanThompson + #KimK speaks out about it. – #BlacChyna’s mom blasts her daughter, says she doesn’t see her grandkids + #YBNAlmightyJay says he cut Chyna off. – #ChildishGambino killed SNL! + we discuss his new video “This Is America.” – Hennessy’s blowup on MTV’s #ChampsVsStars + her side of the story. – Plus, recaps of: #LHHATL, #MarriageBootcamp, and #HustleAndSoul. – Bonus: A mention of #DearWhitePeople. ——————————— Don’t forget to tune in every Monday at 10 p.m. EST on Instagram! Make sure to follow us on Instagram: @lilmissent: @ooolalablog: ——————————— Have a new show for us to watch and recap? Drop a comment below and let us know. Thank you for watching!