This is a sequel to the Natalie Rap from SNL (2006): SNL clean version official post: We wrote the song, but this was directed/edited by SNL people in NYC. (We shot Andy in LA). Full story here: LYRICS: INTERVIEW 1 BECK: We’re here today with film star, Natalie Portman. Now Natalie, the last time you were here things got a little out of control. NATALIE: Yeah, well I was going through a really weird time then, but I’ve matured a lot. BECK: Why don’t you fill us in on what it’s like to be you? NATALIE: Okay, ya bish. BECK: I’m sorry, what? VERSE 1 YEAH PORT-MAN, PORT-MAN, PORT-MAN, PORT-MAN, PORT-MAN, PORT-MAN FUCKED YOUR HUSBAND AND HIS BEST FRIEND JUST FOR SPORT-MAN YOU KNOW ITS CLICKBAIT- CLICKBAIT- CLICKBAIT PUT A DILDO ON A SWITCHBLADE-SWITCHBLADE-SWITCHBLADE XANIES DISSOLVING IN MY PINOT MY MAN DANCE BUT HE’S NOT A BALLERINO YEAH, HE TWINKLE HIS TOES BUT HE GIVE ME GOOD D THO WRAP A GOOD BURRITO TIDE PODS ONLY FUCKING THING I SNACK ON BLACK OUT AND GO MUTHA FUCKIN BLACK SWAN MY BRAIN GONE OFF THAT FUCKIN AYAHUASCA, BOY TELL YOUR TOURIST PARENTS I’MA TURN YOU TO A FOSTER BOY INTERVIEW 2 BECK: Wow, gotta say, it seems like you’re almost exactly the same but with current references. NATALIE: Untrue. I’m a mother now. It’s really changed my perspective. BECK: And do you find it difficult juggling kids and career? NATALIE: You can juggle these nuts. BECK: What? VERSE