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Watch the exclusive behind the scenes on Red Bull TV 👉 https://www.redbull.com/int-en/episodes/the-ultimate-run-s1-e2 “Sometimes my mind goes kind of crazy about skiing and I ask myself, what if…?” – Markus Eder What if you could link every powder turn, every rail, every cliff drop, every comp run and every kicker nailed into one ultimate run? Well, Markus Eder did just that in ‘The Ultimate Run’! This is Markus’ Opus Magnum, a medley of face shots, massive tricks and even bigger drops, which was documented by Innsbruck based production company Legs of Steel over the past two years. Markus has been visualizing the ultimate run since 2015. It may look like a simple undertaking in the final edit, but for arguably the most versatile skier on the planet, it meant taking his skill levels in every form and style of contemporary freeskiing to the next level. “All aspects of freeskiing have fascinated me since the beginning”, states Markus. The Ultimate Run kicks off on the lofty extremities of Zermatt as Markus drops into a sheer expanse of powder, before shredding his way through glacial blocks the size of buses, jumping off ice cliffs and then slips into the belly of the glacier, only to reappear above his home resort of Klausberg. Carving fields of fresh powder he joins a session with his buddies at his local snowpark, before boosting back off into the backcountry for some more face shots. The firecrackers keep on popping as he enters the snow covered architecture of [More]
Wegen technischer Probleme wurde der Auftakt der Pressekonferenz verpasst. Diesen liefern wir in einem Beitrag nach. Bitte beachtet die Info- und Endkarten. Coronavirus in Bayern: Das bayerische Kabinett hat in der Staatskanzlei sowohl ĂŒber die Umsetzung der bisherigen Corona-BeschlĂŒsse als auch die Exit-PlĂ€ne fĂŒr Schulen, KindertagesstĂ€tten, Handel und Gastronomie gesprochen. Jetzt wollen sich MinisterprĂ€sident Markus Söder und weitere Minister des bayerischen Kabinetts Ă€ußern. #corona #coronavirus #bayern Der WELT Nachrichten-Livestream http://bit.ly/2fwuMPg Abonniere den WELT YouTube Channel http://bit.ly/WeltVideoTVabo Die Top-Nachrichten auf WELT.de http://bit.ly/2rQQD9Q Unsere Reportagen & Dokumentationen http://bit.ly/WELTdokus Die Mediathek auf WELT.de http://bit.ly/2Iydxv8 Besuche uns auf Instagram http://bit.ly/2X1M7Hk In eigener Sache: Wegen des hohen Aufkommens unsachlicher und beleidigender BeitrĂ€ge können wir zurzeit keine Kommentare mehr zulassen. Danke fĂŒr Eurer VerstĂ€ndnis – das WELT-Team Video 2020 erstellt