Child tantrums are among the biggest challenges teachers face in a classroom. They are hard to understand, hard to prevent, and even harder to respond to effectively when there is no room for open communication. Children often do not know how to control or express their emotions and this leads them to behave in an unrealistic way in the classroom. It is extremely important for educators with a specialization in child behavior courses online to know how to deal with tantrums.It is also vital to enable children to overcome the thoughts that develop from their confused state of mind. These courses enable teachers to help special children develop into thriving humans. Let’s take a look at the ways to deal with tantrums in the classroom: Help them identify the point of cause: 1) Identify the feelings that make the child angry or frustrated. 2) Enable them to understand what calms them down. Ask questions like, “How do you think we could fix this?” or “What could we do to solve this?” 3) Ensure them that when they calm down you will talk with them about the issues they are facing. 4) This enables them to believe that there is an outlet for their negative thoughts & behavior and you have something better coming up for them. Do not ask them “why they did it?” 1) Rather than asking the child “why” they did it, ask them “what” is going on inside their mind at that moment. 2) Children often do [More]