Former prosecutor Linda Fairstein says Netflix’s Central Park 5 series is filled with ‘distortions’ and ‘falsehoods’ — kind of like her case I was going to wait until I finished the Central Park 5 series on Netflix before expressing my concerns about prosecutorial misconduct and wrongful convictions, and the damage they do to families and society. I had gotten as far as Part 4, when Korey Wise, who was prosecuted as an adult at age 16, gets attacked in prison for what seems like the 27th time for no other reason than he is there and isn’t supposed to be. inRead invented by Teads ADVERTISEMENT I was going to wait. Then I saw former sex crimes prosecutor Linda Fairstein, who oversaw the team of prosecutors who won a wrongful conviction against the Harlem teens accused of raping a park jogger, complaining in the Wall Street Journal Tuesday about how a Hollywood director hurt her feelings. PAID POSTWhat Is This? Here’s Where Adults With ADHD Can Find Support And Resources. Here’s Where Adults With ADHD Can Find Support And Resources. There’s help. Check out these resources for adults managing life with ADHD. SEE MORE Sponsored Content by ADHDandAdults. Talk to your Doctor. I couldn’t wait anymore. [More Opinion] The Bill comes due: One year later, seniors have had it with de Blasio for breaking a promise on housing; we echo their anger » Fairstein, in an op-ed piece, claims Ava DuVernay’s Netflix series, “When They See Us,” is an “outright fabrication”