The “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” sisters are in the hot seat. What are they most afraid of? What did they do in high school that Kris never knew about? Which Kardashian would they not want to take a road trip with? Watch Kim Kardashian answer Ellen’s Burning Questions here:
Ellen put billionaire Kylie Cosmetics founder Kylie Jenner and her daughter Stormi in the hot seat to answer some of her “Burning Questions.” Kylie revealed all while talking about what Travis Scott smells like, bingeing YouTube makeup tutorials, and keeping secrets from Kris Jenner. #TheEllenShow #KylieJenner #BurningQuestions
Ellen knows a lot about her good friend Jennifer Aniston, but she ended up learning a couple of new things – like what Jennifer likes doing at home while naked, and why she was dressed as a cop at a concert – all during a round of “Burning Questions.” #JenniferAniston #TheEllenShow #BurningQuestions
Harry Styles got into the hot seat and answered Ellen’s “Burning Questions.” Find out his favorite body parts on a woman, his first celebrity crush, and his surprising guilty pleasure. #HarryStyles #TheEllenShow #EllenDeGeneres
Ellen had a star turn in Nicki’s viral video. What did Nicki think? Find out!
Ellen wanted to give a member of the younger generation a chance at redemption after a previous teen failed at using a rotary phone. She tested a 22-year-old audience member’s knowledge of a boom box, a typewriter, and an old camera and film. Find out if she could even get close to figuring them all out! #TheEllenShow #Ellen #EllenDeGeneres