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“The Neighborhood” DoorDash Big Game Sesame Street Commercial, but Daveed Diggs is trappin’ dope MUSIC: CHETTA – OVERDOSE OVER YOU – check him out, he deserves more views https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8ijp0oIZhI&t=25s ORIGINAL COMMERCIAL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZW-NUvSVOI #meme #memes #shitpost #status #commercial #ad #commercialmemes #admemes #doordash #but #delivery #DaveedDiggs #chetta #overdose #overdoseoveryou #funny #dankmemes #shitposting #sesame #sesamestreet tags: meme,memes,doordash ad,DoorDash sesame street commercial,Sesame street,Funny memes,Dank memes,DoorDash delivery commercial meme,commercial memes,Grubhub commercial,Grubhub commercial meme,Kroger commerical cringe,Chetta,Daveed Diggs,The neighborhood,hood,kroger commercial,kroger ad but,kroger ad meme,kroger ad memes,shitpost,shitpost status,grubhub commercial but,funny memes,dank memes,meme compilation