Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman are the stars of Deadpool & Wolverine, perhaps 2024’s most anticipated film. Bringing together these iconic characters and rivals has been years in the making, but the wait is finally over as Deadpool & Wolverine opens in theaters nationwide on July 26th. But how are they with spicy food? Find out as the two box-office titans take on the wings of death and discuss superhero costumes, Marvel leaks, and the depths of their beautiful bromance. BUY HOT ONES HOT SAUCE NOW: https://fwfea.st/hotsauces TRY THE HOT ONES BONELESS CHICKEN BITE CHALLENGE: https://fwfea.st/chickenbites BUY HOT ONES TRUTH OR DAB: THE GAME: http://truthordabgame.com SIGN UP FOR THE HOT ONES MONTHLY HOT SAUCE SUBSCRIPTION: https://bit.ly/2veY50P SIGN UP FOR THE FIRST WE FEAST NEWSLETTER: http://firstwefeast.com/signup SUBSCRIBE TO FIRST WE FEAST ON YOUTUBE: http://goo.gl/UxFzhK MAKE A DIFFERENCE BY DONATING TO COMMON THREADS, THE OFFICIAL CHARITY PARTNER OF HOT ONES: https://www.commonthreads.org/firstwefeast/ Check out more of First We Feast here: http://firstwefeast.com/ http://instagram.com/firstwefeast http://instagram.com/hotones/ https://twitter.com/firstwefeast https://www.facebook.com/FirstWeFeast