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My book is cheap at Waterstones and signed at Maths Gear: https://www.waterstones.com/book/humble-pi/matt-parker/9780141989143 https://mathsgear.co.uk/products/humble-pi-signed-paperback Check out Steve Mould’s Numberphile video about Benford’s Law. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXjlR2OK1kM Buy a signed copy of “How Many Socks Make a Pair?” by Rob Eastaway. https://mathsgear.co.uk/products/copy-of-signed-copy-of-why-do-busses-come-in-threes There’s more on Mark Nigrini’s work here: http://www.nigrini.com/benfords-law/ “Benford’s Law and the Detection of Election Fraud” 2011 paper. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/political-analysis/article/benfords-law-and-the-detection-of-election-fraud/3B1D64E822371C461AF3C61CE91AAF6D And for balance, here is a paper critical of that other paper (but only in the use of a ‘second digit’ check and they do not dispute the main Benford’s Law claims.). https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/e667/b8ad9f58992828ff820ddc8a005de754c5f5.pdf And here is a paper by the same author specifically about the 2020 US election results: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~wmebane/inapB.pdf Get your Chicago Board of Election Commissioners data here! https://chicagoelections.gov/en/election-results.asp?election=251&race=11 Yep, 2069 precincts. Some would say that’s too many. https://data.cityofchicago.org/Facilities-Geographic-Boundaries/Precincts-current-/uvpq-qeeq If you must, here are links to people using Benford’s Law to suggest the Biden votes were fraudulent. Please do no harass or brigade anyone. https://github.com/cjph8914/2020_benfords/blob/main/Chicago_Wards_Precincts_Benfords_Data.ipynb https://jonsnewplace.wordpress.com/2020/11/07/joe-bidens-votes-violate-benfords-law-mathematics-gnews/ CORRECTIONS – Hello loyal viewer. If you are reading this you most likely regularly watch my videos and know that I put corrections here. But the comment section on this video has been, to put it lightly, “wild”. I don’t think anyone is checking the corrections here! So I’m going to break with tradition and put the corrections in a pinned comment. But in short: – I should have said I used the Chicago data (instead of a swing state, let’s say) because that is what people claiming election fraud were using. I didn’t pick it [More]