Aside from being a YouTube star and makeup mogul, Jeffree Star is also widely known for having a giant collection of designer fashion and luxury handbags. However, Star says he lost a valuable piece of his collection over the weekend. On Monday, Star said on Twitter that KLM Royal Dutch Airlines lost “seven pieces of luggage” belonging to him and his team. According to the YouTuber, his suitcases contained makeup purchased in UK drugstores, which he planned on reviewing in a new video, as well as a rare Birkin handbag worth $60,000. “I haven’t told you guys this yet, but when Nate and I flew home Saturday night [with the Jeffree Star Cosmetics] team, KLM Airlines lost all seven pieces of our luggage,” Star wrote on Twitter. “They promised it back Sunday, still nothing.” “The UK drugstore makeup that I bought was in one of the bags, so I can’t film my new video today,” Star said on Monday. “Praying the bags make it back to us all.” “I HAVE A CONFESSION: I NEVER pack anything really valuable in my checked bags, but I did this time,” Star continued. “A $60,000 rare Birkin is in one of my bags. KLM give it back please or we gonna have a problem.” Star also discussed the missing luggage on his Instagram story Monday. In his video, Star said he and his team were “flying back from Scotland” and “had a connection in Amsterdam” when their bags disappeared. “We landed in LAX 11