When this family is only “pretty sure” that they can afford the house they’re looking at, Tracy Morgan takes them on a nerve-wracking quest to demonstrate why “pretty sure” is never enough… after all, he’s pretty sure those fins circling around them are just dolphins, right? If you’d rather be certain about the state of your home finances, Rocket can help.
In a Big Game spot, a family is touring a house they are “pretty sure” they can afford when they are surprised to find actor Tracy Morgan lounging in the bath. He warns them against betting on being “pretty sure” in a variety of high stakes scenarios. For example, you want to be more than “pretty sure” a mushroom isn’t poisonous before you take a bite, and taking a chance on hornets you’re “pretty sure” aren’t murderous isn’t likely to be on your list of life choices. Perhaps most importantly, you certainly wouldn’t want pro wrestler Dave Bautista to hear you saying you’re “pretty sure” you could take him in a fight. The family sees the merits of Tracy’s argument during Super Bowl LV and agrees they should use Rocket Mortage to be certain they can afford the home they want. Unfortunately, on move-in day they discover that Dave Bautista lives next door — and he’s still upset about the fight that went down in Tracy’s hypothetical scenario.