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Find out they are on seasonal sale and lots of looks are already sold out 🙁 but still hope this video will help you to get perfect piece for you! xx Looks BEVERLEY 미니 원피스 https://rstyle.me/+sWqhrC0UPa7U_xYJQwL5sA ESSIE 미디 원피스 https://rstyle.me/+RhpwJnpbUc_WwaT2g9c2UQ LANA 탑 ( other prints) https://rstyle.me/+DsEscKzT6SwGGeQkt8Nduw BLAIRE WIDE LEG 팬츠 (sold out) https://rstyle.me/+zeruHbsGBKxe2J0YCl0fsQ GALA 탑 (other color) https://rstyle.me/+W3_ymWFGcLcSecKfhxsdEw GALA 미니 스커트 https://rstyle.me/+QpBpnalpYWRYA8940DVjHg IDA 블레이저 https://rstyle.me/+Jqo7cheIF8gPq0fnvo5OwQ IDA 스코트 https://rstyle.me/+DB5ewgWgfVO03Hj3y_k-Eg EARNEST 탑 https://rstyle.me/+jmhX6AgQVIKR36jpoMlNAA DAKOTA 블레이저 ( sold out) https://rstyle.me/+G8v6WdgjC6KY4H6mnq_MTQ LOU 탑 ( sold out) https://rstyle.me/+D6M5SpAX2rH4DjR5kpyDKg LOU 반바지 ( sold out) https://rstyle.me/+qFT4q1d_fcHNsuOE9v1-vA WINSLET 롬퍼 ( sold out) https://rstyle.me/+QeqrX8675Ry2euVVB_9T3w TYLER 탑 https://rstyle.me/+Ml1uvnr8TJyvD5MWDRi-fw BINX 탑 https://rstyle.me/+pVCsQUrEvgW7c5TAkVjpiw FTC: This video is not sponsored but some items were gifted from the brand. 이 영상은 광고 제작비 지원을 받지 않았으며, 영상 내 일부 제품은 브랜드로부터 무상으로 제공 받았습니다. == business contact: chaileeson@gmail.com instagram : @chaileeson