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President Donald Trump and White House Coronavirus Task Force Daily Press Briefing | FULL — 4/5/2020

President Donald Trump announced tonight that the federal government is sending several hundred additional ventilators to states hit hard by the coronavirus outbreak.

Trump during a White House briefing said that over the last 24 hours, the federal government has delivered an additional 500 ventilators to New Jersey, which is among the hardest-hit states. He said it also has sent 200 ventilators to Louisiana and 300 to Michigan. Another 600 have gone to Illinois, he said, while Massachusetts will be getting 100.

The ventilator disbursements come as governors have clamored for weeks for the Trump administration to do more to confront the shortage of the crucial machines, which allow seriously ill coronavirus patients to breathe.

You can read more here: https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/491274-feds-send-ventilators-to-coronavirus-hot-spots-around-country
