He singed a song called “O-Zone – Dragostea Din Tei” (known also as “”Numa Numa jej” or “Mai Ya hee”), which is a Moldovan band from Romania.
Pewds knows how to Sing even in Romanian Language.. He’s literally the best singer in the world I would say 🙂
This is what PewDiePie did during his break!
It’s been real, but I’m out, he says!
He went on a break for 30 days and this happened!!!
E amuzant și aduce un zâmbet tuturor oamenilor în timp ce cântă o piesă românească!
Tot respectul pentru el, cum de alt fel fiind imposibil sa nu cânți cu el.
P.S. This video was Narrated & Edited by me, Lord Falcon Lover (also known as “FaZe Daddy”).
Peace. 🙂